
Visiting Cybersec Europe provides you with the necessary know-how and toolkit to make your business cyber resilient and secure your digital assets. Equipped with the insights and solutions shared, as well as the network of experts provided, your business gets ready for coping with the ever growing cyber threats. These are the main topics Cybersec Europe will cover:

Cybersecurity strategy

A cybersecurity strategy offers a clear, detailed plan that standardizes
security across an organization. It helps CISOs shift from reactive to
proactive security, ensuring that they are ready and prepared to respond to various relevant threats. A cybersecurity strategy plan can help CISOs reduce the number of security gaps, extend their visibility into security threats, and help meet compliance requirements. The plan should help all stakeholders understand their cybersecurity roles and responsibilities, ensuring everyone contributes their part to improving their organization’s security posture.

Core Topics:

  • Zero Trust Security
  • Security Framework & Defence Strategy
  • Software Security
  • OT/ICS Security
  • 5G Network Security
  • Smart AI Security Solutions

Human Firewall

As sophisticated threats grow ever wider across distributed endpoints,
targeting humans and their vulnerabilities, another kind of firewall is required: a human firewall. A human firewall is the line of defence people constitute to combat an organization’s security threats. Whereas a technical firewall digitally arbitrates network traffic, a human firewall is a human layer of protection. It is empowered through education and incentives, spanning teams, business functions and technologies across an entire organization.

Core Topics:

  • Social Engineering Prevention
  • Cybersecurity Best Practise
  • Employee Powered Security Services
  • Phishing Simulation

Hybrid IT Protection

More organizations are moving into the cloud as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation. As businesses become increasingly digital, they consume more cloud services. Most of today’s enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy to enhance cybersecurity because anything built and designed around one cloud is exposed to the risk of a single-point of failure. Ultimately, cloud platform providers may be pushed out of security controls’ monitoring and management by better offerings from third-party cloud security providers, which will lead to an increase in external and third-party security solutions.

Core Topics:

  • IT Governance Strategy
  • Multi-Cloud Security
  • Remote Work Security
  • Software/Infrastructure/Platform as a Service (S/I/Paas) Security

Data Protection & Privacy

Data is at the heart of everything in the modern corporation. While the focus has previously been on confidentiality, today there is an increased focus on availability. Integrity of data will be the next frontier for data security considerations. Personally identifiable information is the most common type of stolen information, given its black-market and potential ransom value. In response to data breaches and data misuse, users are demanding more transparency and control over how their information is used, and regulatory compliance is becoming more complex as a result.

Core Topics:

  • Data Protection Regulations
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Data Protection Technologies
  • Data Privacy Guidelines

Identity & Access Management

Before the pandemic hit, organizations had been pushing past their own four walls to accommodate international expansion, distributed teams, and remote work scenarios. COVID-19 accelerated the demise of the enterprise perimeter and now, it’s almost obsolete. This increases the need for enhanced Identity & Access Management (IAM) with a growing use of zero trust architectures that provide better control, without requiring all traffic to pass through specific perimeter access enforcement points.

Core Topics:

  • Identity Management
  • Digital Identities & Authentication
  • Access Control (SSO, MFA, PSK, Biometrics, Privileged Access)
  • Identity Protection

Resilience & Recovery

Cyber resilience is the ability of an organization to enable business acceleration (enterprise resiliency) by preparing for, responding to, and recovering from cyber threats. A cyber-resilient organization can adapt to known and unknown crises, threats, adversities, and challenges. The ultimate goal of cyber resiliency is to help an organization thrive in the face  of adverse conditions (crisis, pandemic, financial volatility, etc.). Cyber recovery refers to your ability to recover your data after a malicious attack or data breach. By following a cyber recovery plan, companies don’t have to stop operating if they experience a data breach.

Core Topics:

  • Information Security Policies
  • Vulnerability Monitoring & Security Monitoring
  • Incident Response Management
  • Business Continuity Management

Cyber Compliance

Cybersecurity compliance is the organisational risk management method aligned with pre-defined security measures & controls on how data confidentiality is ensured by its administrational procedures. Companies are encouraged to implement a systematic risk governance approach that adheres to regulatory authorities, laws, and industry-relevant units established controls to meet data management and protection requirements. It defines industry standards that translate to instrumental reliability reflection for customers to indicate satisfactory service delivery.

Core Topics:

  • Risk Governance
  • Regulatory Cybersecurity Compliance Framework
  • Data Breach Penalty Prevention
  • Incident Response Plan

Web3 Security

The metaverse is quickly becoming the next must-have concept within enterprises to improve engagement and UX for employees, customers and partners. Metaverse users’ identities can be spoofed, their accounts can get hacked and their avatars can be taken over. A common challenge is the identity of the person metaverse users are dealing with is always questionable. VR and AR headsets are heavy-duty machines with a lot of software and memory. They are also ripe targets for malicious and inadvertent hacks. Additionally, location spoofing and device manipulation enable perpetrators to take over users’ identities and cause havoc after entering the metaverse. No metaverse regulations exist, and the need for data collection for a truly personalized immersive experience requires privacy invasion.

Core Topics:

  • Blockchain Analytics
  • KYC Verification
  • Smart Contracts Audit
  • Decentralized Systems